Please be advised the surgery is closed every 4th Saturday.
Masks are no longer mandatory in the practice, but patients with cold and flu symptoms are required to wear a mask.
If you have any cold and flu symptoms, no matter how mild, you must take a covid test on the day you are requesting an appointment and wear a mask on arrival.
Hand hygiene, social distancing and masks have been proven to prevent spread of the virus.
If you test positive, please do not come into the practice. We will be happy to assist you with a telephone consult by appointment.
Please call the surgery for any queries. Please note we are closed for lunch from 1230 to 2 pm.
Covid Vaccination
The Practice is offering covid vaccination (Pfizer) for those over 18 only. Eligibility information is available on the Department of Health website. Please call our reception staff for an appointment.
From 10th June, covid vaccinations can only be booked on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons. As Pfizer comes in vials, they must be used on the same day they are opened to avoid wastage.
Flu Vaccination
The Practice is also offering the flu vaccination for the year for eligible individuals (i.e those with chronic illnesses, age 65+) and children 6 months to 5 y/o. Please call us for further information